Go Beyond the Basics
When you're ready to deepen your rowing fitness and technique, RowReady is for you.
The pandemic taught us that our health is more important than ever. Now is the exact right time to take the next step towards lifetime fitness and use RowReady to become a stronger, more powerful you!
Does This Sound Familiar?
What If All Of That Could Change?
- What if ... instead of feeling unsure about your next step and how to make progress with your rowing fitness, you could be measurably fitter, stronger, and more powerful. Not just physically but mentally?
- What if ... you could KNOW that you're rowing well, consistently, and getting the results you want?
- What if ... instead of taking your chances with random videos and social media influencers you could be coached by the best in the business: A UCanRow2/Concept2 master instructor who is fully certified and has decades of experience coaching people just like you?
- And what if ... you could do it online, at your pace, FROM ANYWHERE?
We created RowReady precisely to make all of that possible.
Peek Inside RowReady
Inside of RowReady You Get:
- 6 weeks of progressive rowing workouts 3-4 workouts per week. Know exactly what to do and when to do it to achieve your fitness goals.
- A printable workout guide that you can take with you to your rowing machine and use to track your results over time.
- Technique videos you can follow along with that will get you rowing well and without injury NOW. All the technique you need, with nothing you don’t as a beginner.
- Intro videos for every workout that will show you EXACTLY how to set the workout up, what to focus on, and how it's helping you be a better rower.
The reviews are in!

Wendy Kiska
I loved the course. I have and continued to recommend it to almost everyone I meet who either rows or is interested in rowing. My technique improved tremendously, and I know to design workouts of all types. I row an average 10-12k daily now and owe all of that to the program... for making rowing fun, challenging, and an obsession.

Pat Tirone
I keep repeating the program. It gives me tons of food for thought for my own coaching. I love the videos that are so thoughtfully done and really careful and accurate information given in them. And the info is presented so clearly - it's so easy to follow and understand. Great for new rowers and I use ideas myself for when I'm coaching Masters and Juniors to sculling.
Thank you for your phenomenal work.
RowReady Week by Week:
Cassi Niemann is lead master instructor for UCanRow2 and a Barbell Medicine strength coach. She's been coaching rowing and rowing herself for more than 20 years.
Cassi is committed to helping people of all ages and capabilities build stronger, more useful bodies through conditioning and strength training.
She is a competitive powerlifter when she's not coaching rowing and lifting clients online and at Iron Soul Gym in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Why NOW IS THE TIME to #GetRowReady
- The pandemic quickly taught us how essential it is to maintain good health and fitness. In fact, our very lives may depend on it.
- Rowing - when done correctly - is the quickest, most efficient way to get healthy and strong, and stay that way even as we get older.
- RowReady's progressive, programmatic approach does away with all the thinking and stress. Just follow the plan and you'll see marked improvement when you're done. Or your money back!
What Our Past Students Say

Wendy Kiska
Cassi's explanation were fabulous and the videos each week were super helpful. And the drills were just awesome! I learned so much with the single leg drill, particularly with regard to how my current injury was changing my technique and why I was suddenly was getting discomfort on the rower (after years of rowing).
Using the drills as resets during rest pieces was a great insight and I do it all the time now. I was highly motivated by Cassi and now am thinking about exploring rowing even more fervently... not sure how I could ever be a master trainer/rower but I'd like to set my sights there!